Enter a number of sets, select your work to rest ratio, and that's it.
You focus on what's most important: the quality of your reps.
The timer calculates your rest periods, which can vary from set to set.
Why this app?
Timed workouts are great. They allow you:
- to spend less time in the gym (or in your garage)
- to do density-based programs, very useful for muscle gains and fat loss.
As a kettlebell lifter, I tested many other applications out there. Most or them propose the following workout formats : Tabata-style, EMOM, AMRAP or with fixed rest periods.
Tabata-style intervals (fixed work periods and fixed rest periods) are OK for fast explosive movements, but are less than ideal for heavy compound lifts or slow grinds.
With EMOM and AMRAP workouts, you manage your work and rest periods within a time frame. It's not easy to preserve a perfect quality of every rep while rushing to do as many rounds as possible or to get as much rest as possible.
Fixed rest periods work well as long as your sets remain the same: same exercises, same reps, same fatigue. But this is rarely the case. Why should your rest periods be equal when your sets are not?
Another kind of timer was missing: a timer with variable rest and work periods.
One of the most important factors of resistance training is the work to rest ratio. Why not create an timer based on it?
Benefits of the Work to rest timer
Just tap and work. Whatever your fitness level, do your reps and focus on your technique, without the worry of having too short or too long rest periods between sets.
For progressive overload, just raise the number of sets or the work:rest ratio in your next workout.
Ideal for resistance training: circuits, complexes and chains.
+ the rest periods are based on the work periods
+ very simple to use - no fancy options
+ no training log, no pre-selected workouts: you don't spend more time entering the details of your workouts than exercising
+ does an excellent job at what it's made for: timing your workouts
+ choose a work:rest ratio from 1:0.5 to 1:5 to tax different energy systems
+ up to 25 sets
+ previous settings (sets and work:rest) are saved for the next workout
+ a progress bar shows the remaining time during rest periods
+ warning beeps at the end of each rest period (the sound can be disabled)
+ at the end of the workout, the screen displays how long it lasted
+ works on android smartphones and tablets
+ works in portrait and landscape mode